uncle scott i remeber when we was sitting in uncle brads car with the hydraulic car you and him was trying to teach me how to be a gangster haha my dad has pictures of that it was sooo fun but watch over grandma for me miss you uncle scott
This will probably sound bad but I feel so funny writing you like this. I think thats why I have waited for so long. We had so many memories together. Its hard to just pick one. But, where I am at right now in my life... I can thank you for. Remember when you were staying at tabby's? Matt and me were fightin because I told tabby he cheated on her. We hadnt spoke in like 4 months and you told me that you couldnt see your two best friends fight anymore and you picked up the phone and called him. You made us speak to eachother. You made Matt get on the phone with me. We probably would have never spoke again if it werent for you. And now me and Matt are getting married and we have a beautiful daughter. I really believe its all thanks to you. And remeber when you used to ride the bus to my house? We always had fun Scott. I will never forget that. You always wanted to make everyone happy. You even helped me and Matt move in to our appartment and all you wanted was somewhere to sleep and something to eat. You scrubbed walls n everything. Then you passes out on mine and mtts bed!!! Thats still funny to me. And all the random times you would knock on our door.... Im still waiting for you to come back. I love and miss you Scott. I will never forget you.
scott its been over six months since youve been gone to me it seems like and eternity nobody understands how much i hurt everyday that ur gone i was the last one in our family to see u before u passed and it hurts real bad knowing that when u left my house that night i would lose the one and only person that was down for me always being brothers we both fought with each other and said things we never meant but thats what brothers do but we always forgave each other its so funny how when i look back when we where kids and think of all the times u had to follow me around wether it was skipping school playing basketball or even going to meet girls u had to be right behind me and i now thank god for all the memories we had good or bad at least we were together and i think god for all of them iguess im selfish but we should of had the time to say bye not just have my heart ripped from my chest and not get to see u alive again i know ur watching out for me and u will always be with us but i just wish for a little more i cant wait till the day i can see ur face again and for u to walk up to me and give me a hug and say i love u bro!!!!! i miss u so much and i promise ill never let ur memory fade my kids will know how much their uncie scott loved them and what he did to help them I WILL ALWAYS LOVE U BROTHER ILL BE SEEING U SOON LOVE melvin "IM MY BROTHERS KEEPER"